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Committee Information 

All families using the service on a permanent or casual basis, or for vacation care, are automatically registered as members of the association, and each family pays an annual registration fee to become a member.


LCOCC is led by a volunteer Parent Management Committee. The role of the Parent Management Committee is to oversee the work and activities of the Centre. Past Committee members have found it to be an extremely rewarding experience.

Following is a list and role description for each position. If there is one that suits your skills and you are interested in getting involved please speak with Sue or submit the form below.

Committee Positions

President: The President's role is to chair meetings, prepare the agenda, to ensure correct procedures are followed and to liaise with the Director and Community groups. 


Treasurer: The Treasurer's role is to maintain accurate records of income and expenditure, prepare monthly statements for committee meetings, organise accounts for the yearly audit, prepare the yearly budget to pay the accounts and staff wages. 

Secretary: The Secretary's role is to assist the President in drawing up the meeting agenda, keep minutes and maintain records. 


Fund Raising Co-ordinator: The Fund Raiser Co-ordinator's role is to organise fund raising events and oversee the work of their team. They are also responsible for collecting and banking funds that are raised. 

Committee Members: The role of a Committee Member is to support office bearers and to attend monthly meetings, to move, second and vote on motions and to participate in sub committees as required. 

Join our Parent Committee
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